Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Benefits of Cinnamon Bark for Various Diseases

The Benefits of Cinnamon Bark for Various Diseases
Cinnamon bark, is indeed sweet? Spice this one actually has the chemical properties of warm, spicy, fragrant and just a little sweet. cinnamon bark in his Latin language called Cinnamoman burmani efficacy to treat many different ailments. Cinnamon Bark has historically made a good spice flavor enhancer for cooking or making cakes.

The benefits of cinnamon bark at this time can be used to cure various kinds of diseases such as gout, hypertension, mag, headaches and more. Here's how to make a concoction of medicinal plants on this one:
For high blood pressure medication
2-finger leather cinnamon-sour cassia fistula, 10 grams
-10 grams of kaempferia galanga-15 grams, and sena leaf
-saga leaves 20 grams
How To Make It:
All the ingredients are boiled with water until the remaining 500 cc 200 cc. Stew filtered and drunk while warm. Other recipes, 1 finger of cinnamon bark skin, 10 grams of acid cassia fistula, hair 60 grams of corn, and 30 g of celery, boiled with water until the remaining 600 cc to 300 cc of water is then filtered and. drunk warm.

The Benefits of Cinnamon Bark for Various Diseases
To Cure gout
-1 wooden ibujari mani-5 grams of nutmeg
-5 round cardamom-clove 5 round
-200 grams of red sweet potatoes-10 grains pepper
-15 g ginger Red
How to make it:
All the ingredients are boiled with water until the remaining 1,500 cc to 500 cc.
The herb is then filtered and then added the 200 cc liquid milk and water to drink.
While the ubinya were eaten boiled.

To Cure diarrhea
-5 g Cinnamon Bark
-5 pieces of guava leaf
How to make:
All the ingredients are boiled with water until the remaining 600 cc to 300 cc.
The water is filtered and added sugar to taste, then drink 150 cc twice a day.

To Cure Ulcer
-10 grams of cinnamon bark
How to make it:
Boiled sweet skin with 200 cc of water until the remaining 100 cc, then filtered and drunk while warm.

To Cure A Headache
-10 grams of cinnamon bark-3 grains of clove
-5 g 5 g-nutmeg seed pepper
-10 grams of ginger
How To Make It:
All the ingredients are finely ground into a powder.
Then brewed with hot water to taste, strained, and drunk on a regular basis.

To overcome the Drug enters the wind and flatulence
-5 g Cinnamon Bark-10 grams of ginger
-5 round 5-gram clove pulasari
-5 grams of fennel-seeds 5 grams of nutmeg
-Palm sugar to taste,
How to make:
All the ingredients are boiled with water until the remaining 800 cc 450 cc.
Then filtered and drink warm as much as 150 cc, perform three times a day.

For those who want to try blooger efficacy original Cinnamon Bark syrup from the mountains of Kerinci in Jambi-Indonesia could order with me here
Here's a little benefits from this snazzy bark. May be useful for you.
The Benefits of Cinnamon Bark for Various Diseases