Benefits Of Temulawak To Body Health, Liver, Heart, Kidney
Benefits of temulawak to body health, liver, heart and kidneys do not have to doubt, already since the time the ancestors of temulawak lot used as a herbal remedy. Temulawak during this indeed has been known as a medicinal herb native to Indonesia which is very good for the health of the body.
Many parts are also often called root or Rhizome. The root of this is processed into herbal medicine, a way of processing also varies. The following are some of the benefits of a good crop of temulawak to health and it is important for you to know:
1. Maintaining the health hearts
For the health care benefits of temulawak good liver function, which can be maintained his health by consuming temulawak. Temulawak very good to keep or maintain the health of the heart, because it contains curcumae katagoga. Katagoga this is what helps the liver to produce bile and also provide the stimulus to empty bile.
2. Reduce arthritis
Temulawak also contains Curcumin which is good for your health, especially to reduce inflammation of the joints.
3. Lowering blood fat
The benefits for the health body further temulawak i.e. temulawak can decrease blood fat. Temulawak produce extracts temulawak and also kurkuminoid fraction, is beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels.
4. Overcoming disease ulcer
To cope with the disease, ulcer, prepare temulawak 1 Rhizome. Wash clean and discard the Peel, slice into thin strips-thin then boil water use by as much as 5 glasses. After boiling, let stand until cool and then drink water regularly.
5. Launch the digestive
6. Healthy Heart
Temulawak or also called curcuma also has benefits for heart health. Benefits of temulawak to heart health is of course no need to doubt. Temulawak does have content that is good for the health of your body, no exception to preserve the health of your heart.
7. Overcoming cancer
Temulawak believed to inhibit the development or growth of prostate cancer, which is the way it works by stopping the blood that supports the growth of cancer.
8. Coping with kidney disorders
For the health benefits of temulawak kidney also need not doubt, by consuming temulawak regularly then a kidney disorder that occur can be resolved properly. The way is by setting up as much as 2 temulawak Rhizome, the leaves are cat whiskers 1 handheld, 1 handheld leaf meniran and rock sugar to taste.
Wash clean all the ingredients except the sugar cubes, sliced thin temulawak. Mix all the ingredients and then boil the water use of about 1000 ml. once boiling wait until water is left behind only halved, lift and strain the water. Use the water to drink on a regular basis each day.
That's some of the benefits of herbal medicine temulawak who need to know. Hopefully this can be a bit helpful for You all, thank you to have read this for the health benefits of temulawak.
Benefits of temulawak to body health, liver, heart and kidneys do not have to doubt, already since the time the ancestors of temulawak lot used as a herbal remedy. Temulawak during this indeed has been known as a medicinal herb native to Indonesia which is very good for the health of the body.
Many parts are also often called root or Rhizome. The root of this is processed into herbal medicine, a way of processing also varies. The following are some of the benefits of a good crop of temulawak to health and it is important for you to know:
1. Maintaining the health hearts
For the health care benefits of temulawak good liver function, which can be maintained his health by consuming temulawak. Temulawak very good to keep or maintain the health of the heart, because it contains curcumae katagoga. Katagoga this is what helps the liver to produce bile and also provide the stimulus to empty bile.
2. Reduce arthritis
Temulawak also contains Curcumin which is good for your health, especially to reduce inflammation of the joints.
3. Lowering blood fat
The benefits for the health body further temulawak i.e. temulawak can decrease blood fat. Temulawak produce extracts temulawak and also kurkuminoid fraction, is beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels.
4. Overcoming disease ulcer
To cope with the disease, ulcer, prepare temulawak 1 Rhizome. Wash clean and discard the Peel, slice into thin strips-thin then boil water use by as much as 5 glasses. After boiling, let stand until cool and then drink water regularly.
5. Launch the digestive
Benefits Of Temulawak To Body Health, Liver, Heart, Kidney
If you have digestive problems such as bloating or stomach cold you can easily solve by using temulawak. Easy enough to do, i.e. by consuming temulawak every day on a regular basis.6. Healthy Heart
Temulawak or also called curcuma also has benefits for heart health. Benefits of temulawak to heart health is of course no need to doubt. Temulawak does have content that is good for the health of your body, no exception to preserve the health of your heart.
7. Overcoming cancer
Temulawak believed to inhibit the development or growth of prostate cancer, which is the way it works by stopping the blood that supports the growth of cancer.
8. Coping with kidney disorders
For the health benefits of temulawak kidney also need not doubt, by consuming temulawak regularly then a kidney disorder that occur can be resolved properly. The way is by setting up as much as 2 temulawak Rhizome, the leaves are cat whiskers 1 handheld, 1 handheld leaf meniran and rock sugar to taste.
Wash clean all the ingredients except the sugar cubes, sliced thin temulawak. Mix all the ingredients and then boil the water use of about 1000 ml. once boiling wait until water is left behind only halved, lift and strain the water. Use the water to drink on a regular basis each day.
That's some of the benefits of herbal medicine temulawak who need to know. Hopefully this can be a bit helpful for You all, thank you to have read this for the health benefits of temulawak.
Benefits Of Temulawak To Body Health, Liver, Heart, Kidney