Tuesday, June 30, 2015

12 Mandatory Food for nursing mothers

12 Mandatory Food for nursing mothers

As a new mother, one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby is consuming a healthy diet.

Maybe you want to lose weight immediately after childbirth, but after giving birth to you thus need nutrition to recover. Regularly consuming foods that boost energy for the new mother will give you the stamina you need to be the best mom you can be.

As a nursing mother, it is important to know that the quality of Your BREAST MILK remains pretty much the same no matter what you eat. That's because if you don't get the required nutrients from your food, your body will take up the nutrients from the "stash" of your own. So for your health, too, make sure you get the nutrients needed by your baby by consuming nutritious food.

Here are 12 meals mandatory for nursing mothers. Body and your baby will be very grateful if you regularly consume these foods:
There is no one type of food is perfect. But most salmon approaching. One of the best foods for breastfeeding Moms, fatty fish such as salmon, other, laden with the kind of fat called DHA. DHA is essential for the development of your baby's nervous system. All BREAST MILK contains DHA, but levels of essential nutrients is higher in the BREAST MILK of women who get additional DHA from their food.

DHA in the salmon can also help your mood, thus reducing the risk of the exposed baby blues.
Low fat dairy products
Yogurt, cheese, milk, or any of you like no problem, dairy products are an important part of a healthy feeding. In addition to providing protein, B vitamins, vitamin D, and dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium. If you are breast feeding, the milk is loaded with calcium to help your baby's growing bones, so it is important for you to eat enough calcium to meet your own needs. One way to do this is to include at least three cups of milk per day as part of Your meal.
Beef with no fat
If you're looking for foods to boost your energy as a new mother, look for iron-rich foods, like meat without fat. Iron deficiency can deplete your energy levels, making it difficult for you to keep up with the demands of a newborn.

Also, when you are breastfeeding, you need to eat extra protein and vitamin B-12. Lean beef is an excellent source for both.
Nuts, especially those that are dark colored like black beans and lentils, are food for nursing mothers who are very useful, especially for vegetarians. Not only are they rich in iron but also rich in animal protein of non-quality, with prices that do not drain bags
12 Mandatory Food for nursing mothers
Nursing mothers should get two or more servings of fruit or juice every day. Blueberry, is rich in antioxidants, is an excellent choice to help you meet your needs. The fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals and a healthy dose of carbs in order to keep your energy levels.
Brown rice or brown rice
If you want to lose weight immediately after delivery, you will reduce Your carbohydrate intake. But losing weight too fast causes you to produce less MILK and make you feel lethargic. Eat healthy carbohydrates types such as brown rice/Brown rice or whole wheat bread to maintain your energy level.
Easy to find everywhere and nutritious, orange is very important because nursing mothers need high-dose vitamin C, even more than pregnant women. Can't find the time to sit down to peel oranges? Drinking orange juice provides the same benefits. Some of the orange juice sold in the supermarkets now have even enriched with calcium, so you can get a double benefit.
Egg yolks are one of the natural sources of vitamin D essential nutrients to keep your bones strong and help your baby's growing bones. In addition the egg is an easy way to meet your daily protein needs. Prepare an omelet for breakfast with whole wheat bread, or add a boiled egg on your soup at lunch.
Whole wheat bread (whole wheat bread)

Folic acid is very important for your baby's development in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, folic acid is also important for babies. Make sure Your in breast milk contain enough folic acid. One of the best sources of folic acid are whole wheat bread, which can also contribute fiber and iron needs you.
Green vegetables
The many benefits of green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli. They are very rich in vitamin A, which need to get baby from breast milk. Vegetables are also a source of calcium for non dairy, vitamin C, iron, antioxidants and low in calories.
Cereals/wheat porridge

Healthy breakfast with cereal grain was able to help give you the energy needed after long nights staying up keep the baby. Add low fat milk and fruit into your cereal to complete your daily nutritional needs.

Dehydration lowers a person's energy level are drastic. To keep your energy levels and the production of BREAST MILK, make sure you stay properly hydrated. Vary your options in meeting the needs of fluids by drinking juice and milk, but avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee or tea. When forced to take a maximum of 2-3 cups only. Caffeine will enter the BREAST MILK you and your baby will be hard to sleep.
12 Mandatory Food for nursing mothers